Friday 7 January 2011

Sub Cultures- New Wave+ No Wave

New Wave became a subgenre from rock music, but alot more electronic. It became the definition for new underground music in the UK. It came about in the mid-late 1970's, was more about the sounds it created rather than the attitude which alot of subculture at the time were more about such as the 'Punk' Movement.
Artist such as The Human League, Blondie, The Cure and Echno and the Bunnymen would all be classed as New Wave.
Bright bold clothes, often block colours, or black and white to create eccentric outfits.

No Wave was a brief scene based around underground music, contemporary art and film. It began in the mid 1970's in New York City, a word play against the New Wave genre. Its wasnt a clearly defined subculture as it drew characteristics from various styles such as punk rock, blues and jazz, however the music was more definable.

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