Tuesday 3 May 2011

Guide- Video/films.

As my fashion story was based around such inspiring films to my subculture iv chosen to look into the films themselves...

Beetlejuice-  A dark comedy film directed by Tim burton released in 1988, with gothic characers such as Lydia dresed head to toe in black and bettlejuice himself in a black and white striped suit, and with touches of polaroid camera theres no doubt this film represents the new gothic take on fashion 'neo-goth'.


 Edward Scissorhands- Again another twisted Tim Burton film in 1990, The film shows the story of an artificial man named Edward, an unfinished creation, who has scissors for hands. Edward being the main character is dressed in a black leathered and buckled outfit contrasting with the bright surroundings. the character is made to be an outcast which i think relflects on the subculture neo-goth alot as they tend to cut hemselves off from others and hang around in small groups of others like themselves.

These two films have also been huge inspirations for may designers such as Gareth Pugh who are known or being the new 'neo-goth' designers.

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